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Quest, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with Quest Diagnostics, a clinical laboratory that operates in Florida and many other states throughout the country.

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Getting Started

Quest serves individuals with developmental diabilities across Central Florida and the Tampa Bay region through a range services proven to increase capabilities and quality of life. 

Many of Quest’s programs are funded through Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver Services facilitated through the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. Medicaid Waivers are required to receive services for the following programs: Adult Day Training, Group Home, Adult Behavior Therapy and Transitional Living. If you do not have a Medicaid Waiver, please use links below to get started.

Waiver-Based Services Inquiry

To inquire about Medicaid Waiver-based services including Adult Day Training, Group Home, Adult Behavior Therapy and Transitional Livinig, please use the inquiry form below.

Non-Waiver Services Inquiries

Non-Waiver services are funded through a variety of sources including: private insurance, Medicaid, Vocational Rehabilitation (State of Florida), State-funded scholarship and private pay.

To learn more about Quest’s range of services, please click on links below.

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Get in Touch

Orlando Corporate Office

P.O. Box 531125
Orlando, FL 32853



Tampa Regional Office

3910 US Highway 301 N. Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33619



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